The first attack, Sudden Delete, Is not a BAD attack, but has no upmost potential of my knowing. all it really does is undo the Rare Candy factor, making it somewhat useful. But for that many energy, I wonder if it is worth the time.
Unlike the first attack, Time Control is a heck of a whopper! Whoever thought up this one deserves a medal-and another for convincing them to make it in the first place! Unfortunately, it forces you to discard energies, making it have some kind of catch or angle.
One down side with this card other than the obvious weakness is the no-damage factor. This prevents you from winning, but I have had someone quit from frusteration... So clearly it ticks people off when you use it. Only I would know, since I am the only person in my Pokemon league with both cards, even just one. This proves how rare it is.
A good strategie I know is if you get second turn, use something to get an Indigo Plateu, giving it +30 HP, plus an Xpert Belt, which give an attitional 20 hp, voila, 210 hp! No downside is affected with Xpert belt since it already happened. Another good Idea is to add a couple Bubble Coats for that weakness of theirs...maybe a Bench Shield too, to prevent any unwanted donking.
Oh well, that's all for today- see ya!
[Dylan Out]
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