Friday, December 3, 2010

New Review: Custom Shadow Lugia!!!

Hey guys, I'm Back, With another review of the day! Sorry I have not been doing it for the last season, summer camps for Boy Scouts ins't my favourite thing to do nowadays.
So here we've got a custom Shadow Lugia card, made from- I don't really know. Whoever did, congrats, I'm reviewing it.
This is overall a pretty good card, With a double-type and a flying-high 120 hp. It has a Reasonable Weakness, With a great Resistance. However, the Retreat Cost is high for a Pokemon that can fly.
It's PokePower Is something that can win your battle without attacking. It's almost better than Crobat Prime, leave alone being a PokePower in the first Place. This is an aspect makes this card a little overpowerful.
Shadow Storm can even things out with a complicated energy cost, plus perhaps hurting your own Pokemon, but Shadow Transfer can take that all away from under your custom Baby Seal Boots(Disclaim to MegaMind)
Oh well, guess its time to end it, because I have no strategies for this one, most likely you won't use it in the first place. Cya later!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Review: Dialga-Palkia LEGEND

Hey guys, I'm back! Today we are reiewing Dialga-Palkia Legend, A pair of cards that has been sought over by many, and possessed by few-including me!

The first attack, Sudden Delete, Is not a BAD attack, but has no upmost potential of my knowing. all it really does is undo the Rare Candy factor, making it somewhat useful. But for that many energy, I wonder if it is worth the time.

Unlike the first attack, Time Control is a heck of a whopper! Whoever thought up this one deserves a medal-and another for convincing them to make it in the first place! Unfortunately, it forces you to discard energies, making it have some kind of catch or angle.
One down side with this card other than the obvious weakness is the no-damage factor. This prevents you from winning, but I have had someone quit from frusteration... So clearly it ticks people off when you use it. Only I would know, since I am the only person in my Pokemon league with both cards, even just one. This proves how rare it is.

A good strategie I know is if you get second turn, use something to get an Indigo Plateu, giving it +30 HP, plus an Xpert Belt, which give an attitional 20 hp, voila, 210 hp! No downside is affected with Xpert belt since it already happened. Another good Idea is to add a couple Bubble Coats for that weakness of theirs...maybe a Bench Shield too, to prevent any unwanted donking.
Oh well, that's all for today- see ya!
[Dylan Out]

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New review type: custom cards!

Hello everyone! Now, we have a new type of review: custom cards! this means anyones' cards. Currently, I'll do one of mine: Shiny Machop!
Like most new Shiny cards, they almost always have three attacks.
The first attack, Mach Punch, was used by many real cards. It attacks the bench and the Active in one shot, and I call that lance-impaling.
Another attack, I made this one myself, is Arch Kick, an attack that hits two benched Pokemon, and I customized this one to affect Weakness and Resistance, it is NOT errata!
And, yet another attack I made myself, is Momentum, doing 10 damage times the number of times it was used in a row!
Keep using it and it can get to 100 damage!
Ted Marshall is my code-name , so don't think I didn't make it. There will be three different Shinys I make, so stay tuned!
That's it for today, so Cya!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

NEW review: Time-Space Distortion!!!

Hello everyone, it's Dylan! Today, we are reviewing... Time-Space Distortion!!!
This card is useful if you just had a bad KO. I have one of these, and I approve of it. Once, I was battling my brother when he KOed my Kingdra Prime. Drat! Was I glad I had that in my hand at the time, 'Cause I flipped a heads, I put up my Seadra, evolved, and used Dragon Steam for the KO and win!!!
The downside of this card is, you never know if you'll get a heads and if it will go to waste. I once used it, and it didn't get heads once! It is also a complete waste of time when Shiftry from Rising Rivals is in play.
That's the show, folks! Cya next time!

Friday, June 18, 2010

NEW review: Drapion LVL.X!!!

Hello all, sorry for the delay. Today we are reviewing Drapion Lvl.X!!!
Drapion is a swell card if used the right way. Many people never know a good way to use thousands of cards, but have one or two very good decks. But, very few know how to use any card to their advantage, even the one ther opponent is using!
Drapion LVL.X is an example of one if those cards. Tri-Poison can be used to Poison an opponent even in a tag-team battle, and then use Sniping Tail to take them out, also maybe damaging a Claydol or any other disasterous card in the process!
If any type of Pokemon, this Drapion LVL.X is a down-to-earth one with it's 130 HP to make it a tough battle, although down-to-earth means another thing-a big Retreat Cost!
That's the end of the review today, folks, Cya!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Card review: Raichu LV.X!!!

Hello everyone! Today, our review will be... Raichu LV.X !!!

This card can be extremely useful at times. The PokeBody can be gold when you want to estinguish those Claydol and lay some other damage on the active!

Voltage Shoot is much like Entei & Raikou Legend; it lets you snipe off the Claydol, the Azelf, just name it, with a downside of two energy gone in your hand.

Oh, what's this? No retreat cost? That is GOOD. Just retreat him, and recover em', and you got a good strategy. Maybe you can use Unown D, ex:UF to get him back up for that Voltage Shoot again! Man, I wish I had one of these!

Well, that's it for today. Cya guys!

Monday, June 14, 2010

NEW Pokemon card reviews!!!

Hello everyone, it's Dylan. I am here to announce that I am making Pokemon card reviews!!
In schedual, it will be 1 card, 1 day, but there may be delays, I have a busy calender on Summers.

Today, I am reviewing Entei & Raikou Legend!!!
These cards are extremely incredible, even sometimes being best of all Double-Dog Legends. The unique feature about the Legends is their curved attack text. Their Pictures come out of the picture frame, like most Ultra Rare cards there are, but alter the text as well, making this card a terrible waste to all dyslexic players!
The first attack, Detonation spin, is a wonderful attack when you have many Fire energy in your hand. It is also very good against the newer HGSS cards, due to their new X2 Weakness rate.
The other attack, Thunder Fall, is a great attack when you're desperate. It eagerly snipes off the Claydol, Mesprite, and other deadly cards that could provide your opponent a win.
The disadvantages of this card are that with two main elements, it also has TWO Weaknesses. This could just defeat it despite it's high HP of 140, and also a high prize card draw!
Expert belt works excellently with the Double-Dog Legends, because of their prize rate of 2. In this way, there is nothing to worry about in the downside affect, making it all real.
Oh well, I guess that's the end of our first review. Cya all!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Saturday, I had a problem. I couldn't go to Pokemon League because I didn't have a ride there and back. I have been in this situation many times, and had a solution every one of thoes times. I would call a friend and ask if he would like to come with me to The Pokemon League.
"But" I would tell them, "There is a bug in the system" I would say."If you can drive me there and back, I'll supply you the dollar to get in and you can play with me there." Most times it was a yes.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Here I am now!

Well, I'd say I'm doing pretty good on my Pokemon journey. But I've realized I DON'T want to become a master. It seems that I seem to like helping OTHER people with their troubles to become the master they want to be. Besides, what fun would it be if I always win?

So, I've decided to become a Pokemon Professor. On someone's 10th birthday, I will let them choose a deck of 1 of 3 Pokemon; Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. BUT if you say the secret words, you might be able to get a Pikachu Deck!

BUT I guess I'll tell you about my Poke-Life so far. Now I am an arch-rival with Yu-
Gi-Oh cuz it just looks plain evil...

The Pokemon Proffessor is coming.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Sign

My name is Dylan. I am 10 years old, and I am a Pokemon League Player in Baldwin, KS.
It wasn't always that way.

One day, I was at a Wal-Mart when I fell across an isle I had never been to. It was the Trading Card isle, and had Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, World of Warcraft, ect. I decided the Pokemon looked curious, so I asked my mom if I could try it out.

In the car, I opened the pack up. I first realized that it was an EX Crystal Guardians pack. Like that mattered (at the time, at least).I ripped it open. The first thing I saw was a Mawile, a Metal Type Pokemon. I didn't know that this was Metal, for I didn't understand the symbol.

I started flying by the weak cards, (Misdreavus, Charmander, ect.) but stopped at the sight at a holographic card-a Groudon EX!!! After that 'sign', I thought I was Meant for Pokemon(or is it Vice-Versa?...)

P.S: At first look at the Set Symbol in the bottem-right, I saw a grain seed-like objest. I first thought it was a surf board, and enabled that Pokemon to surf. Lol.